Many organizations struggle with a common barrier in the workplace:

Miscommunication. Often unintentionally and for various reasons, a breakdown of communication can potentially lead to frustration and mistrust. 

By breaking this barrier, your organization can boost morale and momentum, setting up your workforce for a thriving, growing, proactive work culture.

This 2-hour course facilitated by Navigator Leadership Coaches can help leaders of your organizations enhance their communication across all levels by:

  • Providing LIFO surveys and scores to all leaders that attend.
  • Provide a better understanding of the communication styles that make us unique.
  • Better understand our personal communication strengths and weaknesses.
    Understanding how transparency in our communication can develop trust.
  • Learn to connect with others by developing our feedback and listening skills.
    And more!

“An organization's ability to learn, and translate that learning into action rapidly, is the ultimate competitive advantage.” ~ Jack Welch

Enhancing Communication in the Workplace

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